He made the trains run on time and controlled the Unions

image - October 23, 2003

Fascism is recognized to have first been officially developed by Benito Mussolini, who came to power in Italy in 1922. To sum up fascism in one word would be to say "anti-liberalism".

...............Socialism and Democracy. Political doctrines pass; peoples remain. It is to be expected that this century may be that of authority, a century of the "Right," a Fascist century."

Image Source Page: http://marxistleninist.wordpress.com/2010/07/10/glenn-beck-champions-u-s-pro-nazi-text/

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What does Senator Snowe want for her Vote for Health Care?

WASHINGTON - MARCH 31:  Senate Finance Committ...
August 30, 2009

WASHINGTON - As Congress and the Democratic Majority run up against the clock. The public is demanding action and the Democrats are risking being laughed out of office if the majority folds to the Republicans on the most important legislation in decades.
Senator Snowe thinks the Congressional Health Care plan is too good for Mainers.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Chellie Pingree Pulls Ahead, First Congress person to Respond

SMP 2008 chellie pingreeImage by samm4mrox via Flickr

This is the third part of a series testing how our elected officials in Maine respond to a question from a Citizen about their federal health care plans.

Recap: Senators Snowe and Collins, Representatives Michaud, and Pingree were asked for copies of their health care policies and what the costs are to the public and to them.
They were also asked how much of those health care benefits will carry into retirement if they become vested.

Remember, this is public information, hard to find but public. You and me and your neighbors pay their salaries. We pay for their benefits, or at least some part of those benefits.

Snowe's office refused
Collins office very politely said, don't call us, we'll call you.

Michaud's office, also politely gave me the brush off.

Congress Woman Pingree's office sent a response, and then a follow up response when I pointed out that they may have misunderstood my question.

The response is coming later in this post.
One out of three elected officials, two answers and one of them advice to "go find it yourself". The other answer a polite follow up along with an a second follow up, without the information, but seriously leaving the door open to belief that we have at least one Congressional representative that cares about the people of Maine.

In all fairness I will copy the three posts on this topic, forward them to the Congressional offices involved in case I just hit one day of bad customer service in three cases.

Thank you, Congress woman Pingree and thank you Mr. Ritch for the emails.

Dear Tom,

Let me see if I can dig up that information for you.


On 8/25/09 8:47 PM, "NarsBars" <NarsBars@UnionMaine.Org> wrote:

Mr. Ritch,
Thank you but my question was more specific. I would like a copy of the explanation of benefits for the plan Congresswoman Pingree elected and a break down of the costs for that plan allocated to the Congresswoman and the taxpayer. I realize this is public information but my intent is more than health care, it is to measure and demonstrate the help or lack of help each federal office holder in Maine is willing to provide to the public as opposed to a lobbyist.
I am afraid my contributions to Congresswoman Pingree will not get me an invitation to chat on the phone.

I look forward to that information, as Senator Snowe’s office has told me to “go look it up” . I am publishing all of the answers I receive or the lack of them in a continuing series on my blog Http://www.unionmaine.blogspot.com <http://www.unionmaine.blogspot.com/>

Thank you,
Thomas Maher

From: Willy Ritch [mailto:willy.ritch@mail.house.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:45 AM
To: narsbars@unionmaine.org

Hi Tom,

I understand you had a question about health care benefits that Members of Congress are eligible for. They actually have a choice of a bunch of plans, and I think this LA Times article describes it pretty well:


Let me know if you have any more questions.

All the best,


Willy Ritch
Communications Director
Policy Advisor
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-1)

P.S. Check out Congresswoman Pingree's web site.

Here is a summary of Congresswoman Pingree's stance on health care during 2002.

Allow states to negotiate lower drug prices

Pingree will push to increase the bargaining power of states. Maine has led the way in attempting to lower drug costs for all residents by negotiating with drug companies for lower prices. However, states need more flexibility from the federal government to negotiate lower prices through the federally funded, state-administered Medicaid program. The creative work done in the states should not be tied up at every turn by this powerful industry. States should be allowed more flexibility under the law to seek creative solutions. Any state should be able to negotiate for lower prices from drug companies that provide drugs to the state's Medicaid program -- and pass those discounts on to anyone who lacks prescription drug coverage, not just those on Medicaid.
Source: Campaign website, www.PingreeForSenate.com, "Health Care" Sep 26, 2002

Fight drug companies to make generic drugs available

Pingree will push to make lower priced, quality generic drugs available to consumers. Many people could save enormous amounts of money by buying high-quality, lower priced generic drugs, which often cost 25-60% less than expensive name-brand drugs. However, pharmaceutical companies use their influence to keep quality generic drugs off the market,. National drug policies should lower the barriers erected by the big drug companies and make quality generic drugs available to consumers.
Source: Campaign website, www.PingreeForSenate.com, "Health Care" Sep 26, 2002

Patient's Rights to protect privacy

Pingree called for passage of a National Patients Bill of Rights that includes additional privacy protections for patients. "Keeping your medical records protected from the marketing departments of the pharmaceutical companies is a basic right that patients deserve," said Pingree. "A National Patients Bill of Rights that includes privacy protections will ensure that doctors and heath care professionals -- not big drug or insurance companies -- make important heath care decisions."
Source: Campaign website, PingreeForSenate.com, "Patients Rights" Aug 28, 2002

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Health Care Reform. Part two. They don't get it.

Chellie PingreeImage via Wikipedia

In part one of health care reform, I asked Senators Collins, Snowe, Michaud, and Pingree, for copies of their insurance policies and what the real costs and benefits are. How good are the plans, how much do they cost you and me?

Snowe's office told me to go find it myself, they refused to talk.
Michaud sent and answer, but while polite it didn't say anything.

Collins office, roughly translated said we'll get back to you.

Pingree's office sent a response tonight. I include the response, which answered none of my questions and my return to her office.

From: Willy Ritch [mailto:willy.ritch@mail.house.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:45 AM
To: narsbars@unionmaine.org

Hi Tom,

I understand you had a question about health care benefits that Members of Congress are eligible for. They actually have a choice of a bunch of plans, and I think this LA Times article describes it pretty well:


Let me know if you have any more questions.

All the best,


Willy Ritch
Communications Director
Policy Advisor
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-1)
207-774-5019 (Maine)
202-225-6116 (Washington)

Mr. Ritch,

Thank you but my question was more specific. I would like a copy of the explanation of benefits for the plan Congresswoman Pingree elected and a break down of the costs for that plan allocated to the Congresswoman and the taxpayer. I realize this is public information but my intent is more than health care, it is to measure and demonstrate the help or lack of help each federal office holder in Maine is willing to provide to the public as opposed to a lobbyist.

I am afraid my contributions to Congresswoman Pingree do will not get me an invitation to chat on the phone.

I look forward to that information, as Senator Snowe’s office has told me to “go look it up” . I am publishing all of the answers I receive or the lack of them in a continuing series on my blog Http://www.unionmaine.blogspot.com

Thank you,

Thomas Maher

The following was not in the letter, it is just my feelings.

We elected Democrats and if even they won't tell us how much we are paying them, what next? This is my money! I want to know what you are being paid!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

You think so, do you? Don't think about it alone, let everyone hear it.

Marine Bumper StickersImage by JasonTromm via Flickr

Go ahead, click on the link at the bottom of the post. Trust me, I work for the Government.

You won't win a mysterious lottery, start or stop growing hair. Healthcare, do you care? The latest State Employee Contract.....like it or hate

Loyal AMG reader? Left Wing tree hugger? Click the link and be the first to start your own topic.

Bumper sticker car parked in Santa Cruz, Calif...Image via Wikipedia


Go ahead, if you don't like what happens you will be in the right spot to do something about it.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Will Our Representatives Help a Mainer Who is Not Rich or a Lobbyist? Will They Even Answer Questions?


Unionmaine is taking on both the Democrats and the Republicans that represent Maine on the health care debate. 

There are a lot of rumors going around, the “Obama will kill your grandmother” and “it’s unfair to health insurance companies” buzz so I have decided to get some facts.

Continue reading at the bottom, I will update this post as answers or lack of answers show up. The first answer is from Congressman Michaud.

The first thing I would like to give our representatives a chance to tell the whole truth about is their so called "Golden Health Care".
Do they pay all of it? Do they pay some of it? Does Congress get a lot more than the regular citizen?
I don't know so I called their offices to ask.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health Care Reform. They don't care who dies.

great hedImage by Esthr via Flickr

Health Care Reform, Lies and Lies. They don't care who dies.

The Republicans said Obama will come to your house at night and kill your grandmother.

Half trained idiots led by the real death panel supporters are trying to shout down the voice of reason in town meetings while claiming their rights are being violated.

I heard a woman call a talk show, saying that her husband had health care from the military, she was old enough for Medicare and she damn well didn't want anyone to start any kind of government run health care.
What she had worked, and she did not want the government involved.

Every time they tell another lie and get caught they just want to tell more. I don't understand the stupidity of people with no health care or lousy health care defending the right of insurance companies to have death panels while demanding that no one cut into the billions of dollars in profits the companies make.

Some of the Real facts:
The U.S.A. does not have the worlds best heath care.......unless you are rich.
The U.S.A. does not have the worlds best child mortality rate.........unless you are rich.
The U.S.A. has some of the worst preventive medicine in the major industrialized countries.

The U.S.A. spends twice as much on health care as the rest of the major industrialized nations and receives less, and worse care.

If you don't believe any of this, research it, cross check it. It is hard to lose your pride but that is what the likes of Limbaugh are selling.

You can be a proud American, get sick and die, but you will die proud.........and ignorant.

An emergency room will fix your broken arm, but if you need therapy to keep from being paralyzed, that is not covered.

Do your kids need braces to keep from looking like Horace the horse? I did, and without a good health care plan I hope your kid likes sugar cubes

The Repulicans said that AARP did not support health care reform. Watch the ad and decide for your self.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Nine Miles of Lazy, Dangerous Road Work

The first thing the public thinks when they see road work is the D.O.T. and lazy State workers.
There are several miles of construction going on from Palmyra to the Pittsfield line and someone may get killed.
It isn't D.O.T. employees.

Will OPEGA be Allowed to Stop Waste and Fraud?

Maine State Police Cruiser - Ford InterceptorImage via Wikipedia

Will State Government ever stop fraud and waste in Privatization?
August 16, 2009.

As State Government seeks to enrich private interests with no concern for the taxpayer, public officials in other State and local governments are seeing outsourced contracts bleeding red ink and are starting to review "good old boy" contracts that have been in place for years.

Maine government has always been ready to settle for the quick fix. They have waited until times are desperate, rather than planning ahead.

Our governors and legislators on both sides of the aisle have always been ready to fall back on blaming State employees as too expensive while seeking the cover of downsizing State Government and claiming contractors can perform public services "better, cheaper, and faster."

The well hidden facts show that this is very often so much cow flop. The justification for privatizing government services is becoming harder sell as more and more examples of waste are shown. On the National level the examples include abuses by federal contractors such as Halliburton and Blackwater in Iraq.

How many dead Marines were killed due to faulty showers turned into electrified death chambers?

On the interstate our rest areas are closed. Except where State Employees work, the interstate looks like a scene from a disaster movie.Contractors paint their trucks the same color as State trucks, buy their employees the same uniforms, then when they "lean on shovels" a State employee is blamed.

In Maine we outsourced the grass cutting on the interstate. When the costs for State employees to cut grass was figured, the State costs were figured based on weekly cutting from May 1 through Labor day. When the so called cheaper bid was given out the contractors were only required to cut the grass two times during the season.

This contract has never been reevaluated.
Millions, perhaps tens of millions of dollars are going to mostly one Augusta landlord while State buildings remain empty and the legislators are being urged to tear down the remaining buildings and rent from Eddie G. In the mean time the state study on the cost of rental space has been suspended since 2008.(Check the link to OPEGA)

The Maine Revenue Service pays private contractors to collect taxes and then lets them skim some of the funds, all the while paying more for the services than the cost of hiring State employees.

State IT hires contractors to do services that could be provided by State employees by withholding training funds for State employees in order to claim that we have no one able to perform the services.

.The real costs of privatization must be exposed. 911, Fire Departments, State Police, Motor Vehicles, in many places the profit motive does not support the the public good.

In the name of public service, some State and local agencies are limiting privatization: · The Metrolink commuter rail agency in Los Angeles voted to stop outsourcing and hire its own train crews, after a crash killed 25 people.

There are rising cries for Audits of State contracts. Last week, OPEGA, ( The Office of Program Evaluation & Government Accountability) called for a thorough review of State contracts to determine where services might be less expensively provided by State employees.

Citizens are not being served, State offices are closed, our budget is put in danger by privatization and it's only to enrich a few at a huge cost to the taxpayers.

Legislators, perhaps looking to their own retirement as consultants are trying to outsource many functions, rest areas closed or outsourced, grass cutting on the interstate where it is looking like a wheat field, not a road.

Last year the Levinson center in Bangor was outsourced to save twelve cents a day

OPEGA suspended

Employees lost pay and benefits in order to enrich a corporation and save $512.00 a year. The bidding process alone probably ate up a hundred years of the so called savings.

We must demand that our government works for all Mainers, and tax dollars are no longer flushed down the toilet by government contracts. The need to end waste, fraud and abuse in government contracting demands legislation be passed to ensure:

Ensure that jobs that should be done by government are performed by State employees. Agencies would be required to identify those jobs performed by contractors, review the costs and bring all jobs back in house that can be performed at the same or lower costs.

All contracts must consider the loss of revenue to the State for any contract bid that would send substantial dollars out of State.

We lose tax revenue, and we lose good jobs for Mainers by paying out of State and even off shore contractors. Considering this loss of revenue would bring many more jobs in reach of State government or to other Maine employers.

Agencies must be required to provide inventories of all contracts and to track costs and performance.

Require agencies to determine whether there are or will be staffing shortages and develop plans to address them.

Require that all contract costs be made public and that all terms of any outsourced conract be based on the same work being performed by State government.

Direct the Administration to make long-overdue reforms, as suggested by OPEGA, (The Office of Program Evaluation & Government Accountability)
to contracting out policies and reviews.

Suspend all contracting out that would result in the loss of any State jobs until all the reforms have been made across the government.

Until then, check out how much has not been done, how many dollars are in limbo because the studies have been suspended (cost to rent buildings for one)
how much more we need to do?

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friday Music Festival

This is a day off. If you like cats or not, this is all about the kindness and generosity of feline kind.

Some humor, some great music and one of the best guitar pieces ever played, Cliffs of Dover.
If you have never heard this piece it is over ten minutes long and take until about the five minute mark before it will peel your ears off.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Senate President Mitchell to Run for Governor

Monday, August 10, 2009 Maine Senate President Elizabeth "Libby" Mitchell filed papers to join the crowd of Democrats already chasing the Democratic nomination to succeed John Baldacci, My spell checker tries to fix Baldacci, as Baldfaced.

To get ahead in the campaign for Governor
"Libby" is going to have to give her elbows a workout if she wants to make running room for herself.

Those in the running already include Donna Dion, Dawn Hill, Eriq Manson, Steve Rowe, and Rosa Scarcelli.
To get the Right wing slant, note the italics, with a little humor even, go to AsMaineGoes and read the article here.

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MSEA-SEIU Local 1989 President Hodsdon Steps on Rumors

MSEA-SEIU President Bruce Hodsdon pledged to serve out his full term if reelected this fall.

He has been passing the word at chapter meetings for the past few weeks. There had been rumors swirling that he was interested in resigning right after the election and letting his probable VP, Ginnette Rivard serve the rest of his term.

After weeks of rampant speculation regarding the future of MSEA-SEIU president Bruce Hodsdon, the President faced the rumors head on and stated officially the he will serve 100% of his term if reelected.

The following quote is from memory, and may not be the exact wording used at the time.

“I want to say that I have heard the rumors of my planned resignation and state that I am 100 percent committed to MSEA-SEIU and I look forward to fulfilling my duties in years to come,” Hodsdon said.

“Due to the work of the membership and the time and effort, made by everyone associated with our Union, I believe we are building a stronger future for all of us.”

“I have no plans for another job anywhere besides MSEA-SEIU at this time,” Hodsdon said very definitely.

While many former Union officials migrate from local positions to higher-profile national jobs with their Unions, Bruce Hodsdon doesn't seem to have any interest in the national scen at this time.

Rumors swirled around unsubstantiated talk about Hodsdon’s plans to quit after election and taking a job with SEIU, following the pattern of many retired Union officials that often plan on quitting and find they can’t give up the work..

Hodsdon has plenty of time in MSEA and State service, as a former VP, Ferry worker and even a stint on the dark side as Human resources. He is currently on the international board of SEIU and has represented Maine’s interests at every chance.

Hodsdon has yet to be reelected and start a second two-year term with MSEA-SEIU but at this time the odds seem in his favor.

Hodsdon has compiled a long, successful record with MSEA-SEIU since taking office two years ago and has been president during disastrous economic conditions but has continued to work towards making our Union more member driven by involving State Employees from all bargaining units in all aspects of the Union from Labor Management committees to bargaining.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

SEIU gets raises, SEIU on strike?

Service Employees International UnionImage via Wikipedia

Weekend update, fun and the good news, bad news for SEIU State employee Union members. Don't forget the MSEA-SEIU contract votes will be counted on August 17.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the holodeck!
This story comes from the DailyKos. The tech in this story wouldn't make Mr. Spock or Scotty sit down and cry, but until then this is the best around. Like the Holodeck? follow the link. The tech is great but the real reason to include it here is to blow a hole in the right wing idea that liberals are all about tax and spend. Read the quote after the link and see how real liberals think we should dig our way out of this hole in the ground economy.


America should get on that, because that is what America does best. We see the world and all of its ideas and technology and recombine it into fantastical products that we create with our industrial might and sell around the world.

Or we use to, before we became a nation dependent on financial services to generate wealth.

I say we got back to selling the world boxes labeled, "Made in the USA."

Especially if we start slinging holodecks.


SEIU 1000 State workers vote "Yes"

Updated August 3
SEIU members approve strike authorization by 74 percent margin; Union members step up pressure on governor to ratify their contract

By an overwhelming majority, SEIU Local 1000 state workers have shown their outrage at the governor and his attacks on state employees and the services they provide. In votes from state offices throughout California, 74 percent authorized their union officers to call job actions up to and including a strike if necessary in order to ensure that the contract signed with the governor's representatives in February is passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"This is about our contract," SEIU President Yvonne Walker said Saturday. "Whether it is through litigation, negotiations or any other actions that are necessary, we're in this for the long-haul to right this wrong to our members. We negotiated in good faith, we have offered cost-saving solutions, and we need our contract to be ratified."

SEIU 1000 in a cost savings program targeted as saving jobs, and saving tax dollars found $340 million dollars through a combination of cutting wasteful outsourcing of jobs and more efficient work rules. The Union is currently subject to three furlough days a month equaling a 15% pay cut while the governor backpedals and refuses to live up to his word and sign the contract that he agreed to. Like the politicians in so many states hurting State workers as a political move comes before saving the citizens money.

Local 503 Oregon

SEIU 503 signs tentative agreement, gets over 6% in raises over two years.

After eight and a half months of bargaining a new contract, a tentative agreement affecting nearly 18,000 employees was agreed on. The new contract, if approved, will run until June 30, 2011 Service Employees International Union local 503 reached a tentative agreement with the State of Oregon that gives cost of living wage increases. Over the next two years, wages will increase 6.2 percent.

Does this quote sound familiar?

“Our cost of living has been behind the private sector for years now,” says Randy Davis, a mental health therapist at Oregon State Hospital.

The new contract, will go to the bargaining committee on August 15 and if passed will be sent to the membership for a vote.
A rare success story, although not without some losses. 503 protected fully paid family medical coverage. The state will pay for premium cost increases up to 5% in each year. Increases between 5% and 10% will be paid partly by the State and partly from insurance reserve funds. The state subsidy for part-time employees' health insurance will increase so that part timers" premium costs don't go up.

The contract contains a one year step freeze from 9/1/09 to 8/31/10. All bargaining unit members will get at least one step raise during the contract. There will be no cost of living raises during the contract. Ten, twelve, of fourteen furlough days over the next two years.

The State started with a demand for 24 unpaid days off and now the days off will count as time worked for accruals and insurance A number of non-economic changes will benefit members, including a classification study for many positions that must be finished in time to bargain salary rates in 2011 and an extra year of recall rights for laid-off workers.

Congratulations Local 503!

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama wants to Kill your Family

vintage family: great grandparents and childrenImage by freeparking via Flickr

The Majority in Congress and the President have promised to change the "status quo" by pushing a government-run-health care plan (HR 3200). The plan will kill the elderly and put a 100% death tax on their estates to fund the program.

Those who qualify will be subject to rationing through government committees, filled with Union members and Gay Marriage supporters. If you don’t vote Democrat or have AIDS you won’t qualify for care.

All Americans will be FORCED to buy over-priced, politically created health insurance, pay taxes to create a government-run insurance plan that will have the right to kill the old and deny medicine to the sick. Some say that is what we have now, don’t fall for it.

The President plans on imposing a 99% income tax on each person who refuses to buy government insurance. After 2013 people will be limited to only government approved plans since another goal of this plan is to destroy the American economy by painting insurance company endless profits a bad thing.

Obama claims he will add people to the ranks of those who get health care and the dirty secret is he is telling the truth. The old model of insurance regulated by insurance companies will be dead. Medical care demands will increase and high profit margins will flat line.

In other words, there will be more people into the system with the added costs being taken from the profits that make America great. Obama will kill your grandparents and teach the gay agenda to your kids.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid insist that "if you like your health insurance coverage, you'll get to keep it," it's now very clear: once again, THEY'RE LYING and they will either kill your whole family or encourage them to commit suicide to save money that would be spent on a broken ankle.

If the public plan is implemented in this bill, people with private insurance will be moved to public plans or face decades in federal prison if they disagree. Their employers will work to make that happen or face being sent to Gitmo.

That's not all: Yearly premiums for the few remaining Americans with private coverage will jump as much as $20,000.00 per person as a result of a public option.

Even doctors will be unable to afford medical care under the legislation. It is estimated that a General Practitioner will have to wait nearly a year in order to see himself and specialists will wait up to two years to see themselves if a government bureaucrat allows the visit.

Throughout the last presidential campaign, Barack Obama repeatedly promised to keep taxes down. The truth is that if you're a family that's making $250,000 a year or less you will see a 99% rise in your taxes. Not just your income tax, not just your payroll taxes, not only your personal gains taxes, not but all of your taxes."

TELL CONGRESS TO REJECT SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE Now! Congress Has Healthcare! They don’t need a new plan!

FoxNews reported, I’m sorry; never mind, I can’t use Fox and news in the same sentence with a straight face.

There is a planned increase in fees for doctors serving Medicare patients over the next decade. Paying doctors to heal the poor, nice but who is supposed to pay for it?

There's absolutely ZERO evidence that a health plan actually improves corporate health. Under the Obama plan NO ONE will have any plan in five years. Obama wants to kill your grandma.

Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, was overheard jokingly telling House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, "let me tell you, praying might be helpful here.", after all look at the campaign donations I got from the big drug companies and insurance corporations.

Remember, TELL CONGRESS TO let the Republicans run healthcare the same way they ran the country for eight yeas!

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